Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Issues with Native American Education Essay - 1528 Words

Education has been a topic of controversy for many years now, and will continue to be for years to come. The modern American society is best defined by its education. A good part of the average person’s life is spent at school, going to school, and paying for school. However, even though education is so obviously very important, there are many groups in America that are getting shorted. The Native Americans are a key group that has struggled the most. The largest obstacle they face is lack of proper education. The standard educational practices being used for the instruction of Native American peoples are not effective. There are many pieces to this road-block, and many solutions. This can be rectified by having more culturally†¦show more content†¦These two things have been proven to be large risk factors for drop-outs. Their children in turn may also drop out, leading them back to the situation their parents were in. However, there are even more risk-facto rs that many Native American people continue to face. Another difficulty many Native American students are faced with is high absent rates. â€Å"In 2005 Native American eighth graders had the highest rate of absences of any race or ethnic group in the preceding month- 66 % of Native American students had been absent, and 30 % had been absent three of more times in the past month.† (Doak 37) It boils down to the fact that students need to be in school to succeed in school. These absences can be attributed to a uninviting school setting. Often times Native American students are overlooked in classrooms in favor of other students who are seem more likely to do well. A school environment that is unwelcoming can be a strong deterrent for any student. These students need to feel that their education is helping them, and that it is worthwhile. There are a lot of things that help improve this situation, one of them being an increased awareness of what seems to have become a societal difference, and what can be done about it. One of the biggest hurdles, a lack of information about theShow MoreRelatedThe Education Of Native Americans Essay1317 Words   |  6 PagesThough it is just as important to have, it is seen as basic and necessary, with 82% of public education students graduating high school during the 2013-14 year (, 2016). However, for a variety of reasons, many students drop out of high school. Native American students have the lowest high school graduation rate of any non-White group in the U.S. Granted that reasons may vary from drug issues, work, family, or just disinterest in school, but there is an underlying problem that has beenRead MoreNative American And Native Americans1221 Words   |  5 Pages1607, the Native Americans have been treated poorly by the Europeans. 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